Elisabeth Richard Bach


Who is behind “Success Shortcuts”?

My name is Elisabeth Richard Bach – everyone calls me Lizzie :-).

My passion in life is to get people to be the best they can be.

To help people realize that we are all amazing and that we can do amazing things, once we discover our true purpose and talents! 

After working with some of the largest Danish companies for almost two decades, I decided to establish my own business with the purpose of living and exploring the thoughts and ideas about excellent leadership, talent optimization and development that I had developed over the years.

With a Master’s degree in Information & Communication Technology and Learning, a Master Practitioner in the Enneagram and as certified analyst in Prescriptive Index (PI) as well as the “Everything DiSC Facilitation System”, Time Mastery Profile, the Facet5, Stress Scan, ViewSuite360 a.o., I have earned considerable insight in organizational as well as personal learning and development processes.

Why am I writing this book?

Over the years I have seen so many people, my self included, fail – time after time – NOT because of what they knew, but because of what they did – i.e. how they used their knowledge. You have probably heard the saying “You judge yourself by your intentions, but people judge you by your actions!

The most direct and effective path I have found to becoming more successful, is to understand, why you behave the way you do. This will enable you to see and use your strengths better, and to understand and manage your blind spots better.

Fortunately, there are some extremely cool tools that we can use to help us learn more about ourselves – my favorite tool is without comparison ‘behavioral profiling, because it is affordable, accurate, factual, fast, simple and unbiased – and to that end it acts as a shortcut to success compared to other tools such as traditional coaching and mindfulness.